Hard Fought Hallelujah Chords and Lyrics – Brandon Lake
Yeah I don’t always feel it But that’s when I need it the most So I’mma keep on singing ‘Til my soul catches up with my song
Yeah I don’t always feel it But that’s when I need it the most So I’mma keep on singing ‘Til my soul catches up with my song
Something isn’t adding up This wild exchange you offer us I gave my worst, you gave your blood Seems hard to believe
I have tasted, I have seen The realness of Your love for me It’s written on Your hands and feet It’s all the evidence I’ll ever need
Let everything That has breath Praise the Lord Praise the Lord
Come on get your hands up, hands up People of heaven Singing hallelujah to Ya For all we’ve been given Saved and set apart Ashes into art Children of the King Every promise kept Only hope ahead Lift your heart and sing
Out of the wilderness Into Your deliverance Look where I’m standing now These hands that once were chained Now lifted high in praise Look where I’m standing now Look where I’m standing now
There’s honey in the rock Water in the stone Manna on the ground No matter where I go I don’t need to worry Now that I know Everything I need You’ve got There’s honey in the rock
God of love, God of all glory Every day I see new mercy Great is Your faithfulness God of love, God of my story You never fail You never forsake me Great is Your faithfulness