Yahweh – Andy Park Lyrics
Yahweh, Yahweh Ancient One yet you’re here today Ageless One, Changeless One Showing love to all generations
Yahweh, Yahweh Ancient One yet you’re here today Ageless One, Changeless One Showing love to all generations
You are the holy one, the Lord most high You reign in Majesty, You reign on high You are the worthy one, Lamb that was slain You bought us with Your blood and with You we’ll reign
Down the mountain the river flows And it brings refreshing wherever it goes Through the valleys and over the fields The river is rushing and the river is here
The Spirit of the sovereign Lord is upon you Because He has anointed you to preach good news The Spirit of the sovereign God is upon you Because He has anointed you to preach good news
There is no rock like our God There is no rock like our God Precious Cornerstone, I stand on you alone There is no rock like our God
VERSE 1: No one but You Lord Can satisfy the longing in my heart Nothing I do Lord Can take the place of drawing near to You
One thing I ask, one thing I seek that I may dwell in your house, O Lord all of my days, all of my life that I may see you, Lord
Let me burn with holy fire marked by purpose and desire Set apart unto your name my life, my heart, my strength you claim