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Entries Tagged ‘Kari Jobe’

What Love is This Chords, Lyrics, Sheet Music – Kari Jobe

You never change You are the God You say You are When I’m afraid You come and still my beating heart You stay the same, when hope is just a distant thought You take my pain And You lead me to the cross

My Beloved Chords, Lyrics, Sheet Music – Kari Jobe

You’re My beloved, you’re My bride To sing over you is My delight Come away with Me, My love

One Desire Chords, Lyrics, Sheet Music – Kari Jobe

Here I am Just for You, only You Here I stand Wanting You, only You

Love Came Down Chords, Lyrics, Sheet Music – Kari Jobe

If my heart is overwhelmed And I cannot hear Your voice I’ll hold on to what is true though I cannot see If the storms of life they come And the road ahead gets steep I will lift these hands in faith, I will believe I remind myself of all that You’ve done And the […]

Steady My Heart Chords, Lyrics, Sheet Music – Kari Jobe

Wish it could be easy, why is life so messy Why is pain a part of us There are days I feel like nothing ever goes right Sometimes it just hurts so much But You’re here, You’re real I know I can trust You

Run To You (I Need You) Chords, Lyrics, Sheet Music – Kari Jobe

Lord You’re calling me Lord You’re beckoning With love abounding And I run, I run

We Are Chords, Lyrics, Sheet Music – Kari Jobe

Every secret, every shame, every fear, every pain Live inside the dark, but that’s not who we are We are children of the day