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Entries Tagged ‘EMU Music’

Here We Stand Chords and Lyrics – Emu Music

Here we stand the church of the redeemed Ransomed by the blood that sets us free From the darkness, brought into the light Enemies of God now his delight From the depths called to highest heights Here we stand, the church of the redeemed We are his, precious in his sight Here we stand the […]

Apostles’ Creed Chords, Lyrics, Sheet Music – Emu Music

I believe in God the Father, mighty and eternal Lord He alone is the Creator, forming all things by His word I believe in our Lord Jesus, God’s own Son who came to earth Born a man, by the Spirit, by a virgin given birth

Hymn Of The Saviour Chords, Lyrics, Sheet Music – Emu Music

From the chaos of darkness, your word shaped the earth In your image a people made But we traded perfection, the truth for a lie And your glory was veiled in shame But a promise made, a blessing you gave To a people of your name For this broken world, a saviour foretold To bear […]

I Will Trust You In The Darkness Chords and Lyrics – EMU Music

I will trust You in the darkness I will serve You in my pain I will worship in the wilderness And will follow to the end For You are the suffering shepherd And You know Your sheep by name So I will trust You in the darkness once again