Purify My Heart (Refiner’s Fire) Chords and Lyrics
Purify my heart
Let me be as gold and precious silver
Purify my heart
Let me be as gold, pure gold Lord
Purify my heart
Let me be as gold and precious silver
Purify my heart
Let me be as gold, pure gold Lord
You want to be real
You want to be empty inside
You want to be someone laying down your pride
You want to be someone someday
Then lay it all down before the King
Teach me Your ways, Oh Lord
And I will walk in Your truth
Teach me Your ways, Oh Lord
For I am devoted to to You
Purify, my heart’s desire
I long to be your servant
Give me an undivided heart
That I may fear your name
Give me an undivided heart
No other gods, no other love
No other gods before you
There’s a longing in my heart to see your glory
There’s a yearning in my soul to stand in the holy place
There’s a growing need in me to ascend the hill most holy
a burning fire within to see your holy face
So cleanse my lifted hands
and purify my broken heart
Keep my soul from vanity
don’t let me speak deceitfully
that the King of Glory may enter in
If the altar is where you meet us
Take me there, take me there
If you’re looking for an offering
It’s right here, my life is here
And I’ll be a living sacrifice for you
You’re a fire, the refiner
I wanna be consumed
… Refiner Chords and Lyrics – Maverick City Music, Mara Justine
Precious blood has left me forgiven
Pure like the whitest of snow
Powerful to make sin and shame retreat
This covenant is making me whole
Can I ascend the hill of the Lord?
Can I stand in that holy place?
There to approach the glory of my God
Come towards to seek your face
Purify my heart and purify my hands
For I know it is on holy ground I’ll stand
There’s no darkness in Your eyes
There’s no question in Your mind
God almighty, God of mercy
There’s no hiding from Your face
There’s no striving in Your grace
God of mercy, God almighty