In Him Alone Chords and Lyrics – Bukas Palad
In Him alone is our hope
In Him alone is our strength
In Him alone are we justified
In Him alone are we saved
In Him alone is our hope
In Him alone is our strength
In Him alone are we justified
In Him alone are we saved
I stand upon the solid rock of faith in Christ
This steadfast hope shall not break apart within the trial
I am assured His promises will never fail
As long as life remains, He is faithful
In Christ alone my hope is found
He is my light, my strength, my song
This Corner stone, this solid ground
Firm through the fiercest drought and storm
… In Christ Alone Chords and Lyrics – Adrienne Liesching & Geoff Moore
Verse 1:
I will lift my eyes only to God alone
I will set my heart trust in the Holy One
I will live in faith knowing His Word is sure
Shout loud to Earth the harvest is here and now
Great is our God in all the Earth
Great is our God in all the Earth
My worth is not in what I own
Not in the strength of flesh and bone
But in the costly wounds of love
At the cross
I have seen my Father’s glory
Revealed in Jesus Christ
And the more that I behold Him
The more He satisfies
When I gaze upon His beauty
When I see Him as I should
Then my eyes are lifted upward
For His glory and my good
A great light dawns in Galilee
Some say madman, some say King
Wonder-workin’ rebel priest
Jesus Christ the Nazarene
He knew well what it would take
To free us all from sin and grave
A perfect man would have to die
And only He could pay that price
What wonder of wonders, what love is this
That Christ would die for me
His goodness, His merit, His righteousness
This sinner’s only plea
O foolish pride, be crucified
The work is finished