The Love Of My Life Chords and Lyrics – Planetshakers
Nothing better, nothing better than this
What we have is heaven
It’s the moments, the moments like this
They will last forever
Nothing better, nothing better than this
What we have is heaven
It’s the moments, the moments like this
They will last forever
Your love
Is getting down deeper
Changing me into
Something brand-new
Eyes on You
King of glory
You are good
You are faithful still
I stand amazed
Full of wonder
At what You do
And everything You are
Holy, holy, You are
Are you weary from a life of sin?
Are you heavy from the guilt within?
Only One can make the burden lift
And Jesus is His name
We enter Your gates with thanksgiving
And into Your courts with praise
We join together in singing
Oh how I love this place
With every breath in my lungs
I join with heaven above
I’m giving You the highest praise
I’m giving You the highest praise
What wonder of wonders, what love is this
That Christ would die for me
His goodness, His merit, His righteousness
This sinner’s only plea
O foolish pride, be crucified
The work is finished
You are my great love
All my delight is in You
There’s no fear in You, love
There’s nothing You say that You won’t do
… Shadow Of Shaddai Chords, Lyrics, Sheet Music – Steffany Gretzinger