Apostles’ Creed Chords, Lyrics, Sheet Music – Emu Music
I believe in God the Father, mighty and eternal Lord
He alone is the Creator, forming all things by His word
I believe in our Lord Jesus, God’s own Son who came to earth
Born a man, by the Spirit, by a virgin given birth
Sing praise to the Father
To the Spirit and the Son
Sing praise to our holy God
Forever three in one
I believe that Jesus suffered, on the cross He bore my shame
I believe that He was buri?d, then triumphant rose again
Glorified, H? has ascended, seated at the Father’s side
He will come again in judgment, justice will be satisfied
I believe the Holy Spirit comes to us from Christ above
I believe the church is holy, one communion in God’s love
I believe I am forgiven through the sacrifice of Christ
I believe in resurrection and in everlasting life
Words & Music : Tim Chester, Liv Chapman, Philip Percival, James McDonald & Alanna Glover
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